
New Pinterest account

This week everything has been back to normal again with work as usual after the long, relaxing holiday. My brain har slightly started up again and luckily it is Epiphany today as bonus so that we all get a smooth start with a bit of a shorter week. Another luck is that I do not need to go outside today. I was considering the gym but my phone is showing -27°C (!) and I do not think it is a good idea. At all. Winter has surprised us (not much snow, though) and I hate cold weather...
What I accomplished at the end of last year is something I have thought about a long time already. I created a new Pinterest account! Sadly enough I have 21,000 followers on my old account and this far only 1 on the new. :) I will of course keep my old powerful account alive as well but I would like to test with a new one as I am so f-e-d u-p with the follower counting mechanism not working on my old one. No matter how many users are following me (I can see them on the email) the number is stuck or freezed. It does not increase and has not done that for two years now. So unfair. So I will give it a try with a new account. Please just come and visit and follow me there as well, as it feels sooo lonely right now..:)
I would have liked to use my brand name Wisuella of course, but to distinguish the accounts and not cause confusion, I at least for the time being will call the new one Visual Stories. Maybe I will change it later on but for now I will try like this. You can find the link also in the side bar of my blog.
PS! Remember I will keep both accounts but I am more into the new one right now. It is somehow refreshing, with new year and all, to start afresh from scratch as the old boards are also starting to get quite full and it is also kind of fun to search for new inspiring people to follow so that I have a slight difference in the feeds depending on which account I use. Looking forward to see you there!
Happy pinning!

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